Sphinx, downward facing dog, tree pose, and cobbler’s pose. What do these words have in common? They are all poses that you may get to try when you experience a yoga class at AgeWell Services.

What are the benefits of exercise for older adults in general, you may ask. According to the National Council on Aging, some of the key benefits of exercise for older adults are the prevention of bone loss, relief of osteoarthritic pain, chronic disease prevention, and mood improvement.

The National Council on aging also states that yoga specifically “helps you build up your muscles, stabilize your core, improve your flexibility, and strengthens your bones.”

While yoga isn’t for everyone, it is a class that can meet you where you are at in your health journey, and assist in making improvements toward a healthier you.

At the Wellness Center, we are currently offering yoga classes that are designed with seniors in mind. Classes are held:

Mondays at 11 am and 6 pm

Thursdays at 9 am

Fridays at 9 am

At just $4 per class, there is no better time than now for you to try out a yoga class, and make some new friends in the process. We’d love to see you soon!

About the Author

Kaytie Drake portrait

Kaytie Drake is a former AgeWell Services Wellness Manager.

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