By Lorraine Kinnucan

Get Up! Get Dressed! Get Moving!

This is the message that Sytsema Funeral Home suggested to me after the loss of my husband, Jerry. That was a year ago, and I have been faithful to that commitment because I had to go on.

A friend had been coming to AgeWell Services’ Tanglewood Park Wellness Center and suggested I join her for some “senior” exercises. I had some reservations since I had never committed myself to any exercise program long term.

I tried it and was greeted by a very friendly and encouraging staff. Francine, Gail and Jennifer have been so positive in their commitment not just to me, but to anyone who joins up. The energy of not only the instructors, but the whole staff, is so encouraging at a time when I certainly needed it.  I now volunteer a few hours each week at AgeWell and would also like to join the painting class, something I’ve always wanted to try. My only regret is that I waited so long to discover Tanglewood. It has so much to offer us seniors!

If you’re interested in trying the exercise classes, art classes, or other groups and services available, visit the Wellness Center. If you’re interested in volunteering, click here.

One thought on “Moving and Motivation: AgeWell Services’ Wellness Center Exercise Classes Provide Help After Loss

  1. This blog article highlights the invaluable support provided by AgeWell Services’ wellness center exercise classes in aiding individuals after loss. Reflecting on my experience in community health initiatives, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of exercise in promoting physical and emotional well-being during difficult times. AgeWell Services’ commitment to offering such programs underscores their dedication to enhancing the quality of life for their members, showcasing the positive impact of holistic approaches to wellness.

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