Last year was a big season of change for AgeWell Services, and many of our team members entered their next season of life: retirement! Just like every company and every sector, we are experiencing a retirement boom. Last year, our “triplets” Sue Cloutier (HR Director), Betty Johnson (Finance Director) and Diane Smith (Advancement Director) retired, as well as long-time Oceana County Meals on Wheels Coordinator Jan Merten. Collectively, these ladies gave 48 years of service to the seniors in West Michigan, each leaving a legacy branded on our team in immeasurable ways. They also mentored and cultivated relationships to lay a foundation of best practices in their areas as well as passing the torch to new leaders who will build upon their footprints.
Now, to introduce the next generation of leaders on our Director’s Team!
Kathy Kasprzyk-Hayes joined our Finance Team in September 2021and was promoted to director with Betty’s retirement. She and her husband Steve raised two sons who loved life in Reeths-Puffer’s marching band before graduating onto higher ed and their careers. Kathy has an extensive finance background, including a certificate in Nonprofit Accounting.
We were lucky to score another great fit for HR Director, Karen Mogdics. Karen was a former board member and had parents who received Meals on Wheels. She brings over 30 years of experience to AgeWell. In February, you will find her very busy as co-chair of the hit event, Dancing with the Local Stars. Karen and her husband Dan especially love spending time with their two sons, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.
Our Grants and Contracts Senior Manager took on a new role and new name! Jenny Jordan married Chris Drury in August and received a promotion, now making her Mrs. Jennifer Drury, Advancement Director. Jenny’s background in finance, grants management and donor development make her a well-rounded leader suited to advance the mission of AgeWell Services. Jenny and Chris have three rambunctious dogs to keep them active.
A legacy is created when we nurture others to grow, expand, and learn. We pay homage to all of the retirees from AgeWell and other companies who still have lots of life to HAVE FUN! If you’re newly retired, keep active! Visit us at Tanglewood Park to find out the perks of active aging.
Kris Collee
Executive Director
P.S. Want to meet Jenny for a cup of coffee? She would love to hear from you! 231-733-8635 or email her: jennifer@agewellservices.org.