When you volunteer, you are making a commitment to share that most precious of resources – your time – to make life better for those who are in need. The fruits of your labors make a tangible impact, of course, but perhaps it is the fact that you are willing to share your time and talent to lend a helping hand and to show kindness and caring that makes the greatest difference in the lives of the individuals who are touched by your generosity.

While I know that you choose to volunteer selflessly and without expectation of being recognized or rewarded, this Volunteer Appreciation Week I wish to do just that. I want to let you know just how much your dedication means to everyone at AgeWell Services of West Michigan. We are forever grateful to each of you. Whether you are a long-time volunteer or if you got involved fairly recently, and regardless of how many hours you choose to give, it’s important for you to know that what you do makes a difference.

During the last fiscal year here at AgeWell Services, we had 373 wonderful individuals volunteer for a total of 22,081 hours. Words cannot adequately express the gratitude that I, as well as the board and staff of AgeWell Services, wish to convey.

Please know that your volunteerism is recognized, appreciated, valued and cherished. We thank you and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.


Jessica, Jenny and the entire AgeWell Services team

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