We often use the phrase “so much more than a meal” when we talk about feeding adults 60 and over. But what does it really mean?
Our meal programs provide important safety checks for homebound seniors, along with multiple opportunities for older adults to break bread together at a meal site and ward off the isolation that is so damaging for all of us at every age. Read about how one of our volunteer drivers helped a woman suffering from painful kidney stones in the cover story.
Providing seniors with nutritious (and delicious) meals has been at the core of AgeWell Services since the very beginning in 1973 when we were known as Nutritional Services for Older Americans and, then Meals on Wheels. It’s a massive undertaking that takes the efforts of hundreds of cooks, drivers, servers and our critically important volunteers.
But even more than meals, our agency has evolved and grown to include so much than just meals – because that’s what today’s adults 60 and over need and want as they redefine aging. Now we offer the Wellness Center, Senior Medical Transportation, SafeSeniors and Senior Activities. More than home-delivered meals, we have meal sites, discount dining and even the Driftwood Café at Tanglewood Park.
None of this would be possible without all the support from government agencies, granting authorities, corporations and individual donors like you. Truly, your gifts help bridge the gap between what it costs to feed seniors and what they can afford to pay. We don’t want anyone 60 and over to go hungry!
If you haven’t made your gift this year, please consider visiting our website to share the season’s holiday bounty with our neighbors 60 and over. There are two weeks left make a charitable gift in this calendar year.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season, surrounded by loved ones!
Kris Collee, Executive Director