Founded in 1973, AgeWell Services of West Michigan’s mission invites adults 60 and older to redefine their age. We provide vital connections to keep one of our most vulnerable populations nourished, active, learning and living independently.

In the first and second blog posts of this four-part series, we learned about the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Administration on Aging (AoA). OAA was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 14, 1965. To administer the grant programs and “serve as the federal focal point on matters” regarding older adults, the law created the AoA. To further support the implementation of OAA specifically in Michigan, the Older Michiganians Act was established in 1981. This is what we’re going to learn about in the third blog post.

Older Michiganians Act (OMA)

Created in 1981, the Older Michiganians Act (OMA) created the “Commission on Services to the Aging within the Executive Office of the Governor to oversee Michigan’s implementation of the Older Americans Act of 1965”. OAA and OMA also authorized the designation of Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). The full act can be found through this link.

The Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging (CSA) is comprised of 15 individuals appointed by the Michigan Governor. The main priorities of the CSA are to advise the Governor and Legislature on –

The majority of CSA members have to be 60 years and older, no more than 8 members can be from the same political party and serve 3-year terms and appointments (as advised and consented by the Senate). Current members reside throughout the state, ranging from Detroit, Battle Creek, North Muskegon and Marquette. More information on current members can be found through this link.

CSA is advised by the State Advisory Council on Aging (SAC). SAC members are appointed by the commission and membership “reflects the demographic and geographic diversity of Michigan’s older population”. Overall, the SAC “study aging issues, advocate for older adults and recommend policies” to the CSA. A 2020 press release provides additional information on SAC and appointed members.

Briefly mentioned above, CSA “reviews plans submitted by each region’s Area Agency on Aging”. In Michigan, there are 16 AAA’s that serve all of Michigan’s 83 counties. AAA’s can be considered a “one-stop shop with expertise on aging and long-term care”. AgeWell Services’ AAA is Senior Resources of West Michigan. This will be the topic for the fourth and final blog post in this four-part series.

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